

In accordance with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), website of Space Power Technologies (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) has established and publicly announced its policy (Privacy Policy) on the appropriate protection and use of personal information.


Scope of Application


This Privacy Policy applies only when use this website and does not apply to sites operated by other companies.
In order to provide useful information and services to our customers, this website introduces links to other websites.
The privacy policy does not apply to the linked sites. We encourage you to review the privacy statements of each of these sites when you visit them.


Purpose of Use of Personal Information


We collect and use your personal information for the purpose of responding to your inquiry form.


Acquisition of Personal Information


  1. お客様ご本人の同意がある場合
  2. 法令に基づき開示、提供を求められた場合
  3. 人の生命、身体または財産の保護のために必要な場合であって、お客様の同意を得ることが困難である場合
  4. 国または地方公共団体等が公的な事務を実施する上で、協力する必要がある場合であって、お客様の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障が出るおそれがある場合
  5. 情報提供にあたりあらかじめ(1)第三者への提供を利用目的とすること、(2)第三者に提供される 個人データの項目、(3)第三者への提供の手段または方法、(4)本人の求めに応じて当該本人が識別される個人データの第三者への提供を停止すること、の 情報を本人に通知し、または本人が容易に知りうる状態に置いておくとともに、本人の求めに応じて第三者への提供を停止する場合
  6. 統計的なデータなど本人を識別できない状態で開示・提供する場合

This website will not disclose or provide your personal information to third parties, except in the following cases.In the case of joint use or provision to a subcontractor, it does not constitute disclosure or provision to a third party.

  1. When there is the consent of the customer himself/herself
  2. Disclosure or provision of personal information is required by law
  3. When disclosure or provision is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the customer’s consent.
  4. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national or local government in the execution of its official duties, and obtaining the customer’s consent may impede the execution of those duties.
  5. The Company shall notify to the individual of or make readily accessible to the individual, and cease providing the personal data to third parties upon the individual’s request in advance that (1) the provision of information to a third party is the purpose of use, (2) the items of personal data to be provided to the third party, (3) the means or method of provision to the third party, and (4) the provision of personal data identifying the customer to the third party will be discontinued upon request of the customer
  6. Disclosure or provision of statistical data or other information in a form that does not identify the individual concerned.


Management of Personal Information


We manage our customers’ personal information appropriately and take the utmost precautions to prevent leakage, loss, or falsification.
In-house training is provided to officers and employees regarding the protection and appropriate handling of customers’ personal information.
In addition, we will set a separate retention period for personal information in accordance with the purpose of use, and dispose of such information in an appropriate manner after such period has elapsed.


Disclosure, Correction, Deletion, Addition, Suspension of Use, and Deletion

ただし、ご本人または第三者の生命、健康、財産等を害するおそれがある場合、当ウェブサイトの業務の実施に著しい支障を生じる場合、あるいはその他法令に違反することになる場合は、その全部または一部のご請求に応じられないことがございます。 当ウェブサイトの保有個人データに関する前項のご請求およびその他の個人情報に関するお問い合わせは、以下の方法で行います。

If a customer requests (1) disclosure, (2) correction, deletion, or addition, or (3) suspension of use or deletion of personal data held on this website, we will take the following actions within a reasonable period and scope after confirming the identity of the requesting party.However, we may not be able to respond to all or part of the request if there is a risk of harm to the life, health, or property of the person in question or a third party, if it would cause significant hindrance to the operation of this website, or if it would violate any other laws or regulations. Requests as described in the preceding paragraph regarding personal data held by this website and other inquiries regarding personal information should be made in the following manner. Please note, however, that we will decline your request if we cannot confirm your identity.



Contact desk

Requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, addition, suspension of use/deletion, and notification of purpose of use should be made by sending the prescribed request form along with the necessary documents to the company address.

Google アナリティクスからの情報取得について

Acquisition of Information from Google Analytics

Googleアナリティクスのクッキーをもとにして取得されたデータは、Google LLCのプライバシーポリシーに基づいて管理されます。

また、Google による情報収集を無効化したい場合は、Google社が提供する「Google アナリティクス オプトアウト アドオン」をご利用ください。

This website uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google.
This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect data.This data is collected anonymously and does not personally identify you.Data obtained from Google Analytics cookies will be managed in accordance with Google LLC’s privacy policy.
By using this site, you grant Google and the site administrator permission to process your data in the manner and for the purposes described above.
You can refuse this functionality by disabling cookies, so please check your browser settings.
For more information on these terms, please see the Google Analytics Terms of Service page and the Google Policies and Terms page.
If you wish to disable Google’s collection of information, please use the Google Analytics Opt-Out Add-On provided by Google.


Application and Changes to this Privacy Policy

このプライバシーポリシーでは、当ウェブサイトにおけるお客様の個人情報のお取扱いについてご説明しており、当ウェブサイトをご利用のお客様は、このプライバシーポリシーの内容を十分ご理解いただきご同意いただいたものとみなします。 なお、当ウェブサイトは、このプライバシーポリシーをいつでも変更することができるものとします。

This Privacy Policy explains the handling of your personal information on this Web site, and by using this Web site, you are deemed to have fully understood and agreed to the terms of this Privacy Policy. This privacy policy may be changed at any time by this website.
